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Living Well and Dying Well

Older people rarely feature in counselling literature and yet we are a rapidly ageing society and addressing the mental health needs of those over the age of 75 will soon be something that will have to matter to all of us.


Half of the babies born in 2007 will live to be 103.


By 2020 there will be more people age 65 and over than there will be those age 5.


Those in later life will shortly find ourselves vital to the economy as fewer people enter the workforce and retirement age rises.


Living well, feeling like we are thriving and being aware of how we want to live and how we face our own death can be empowering and yet it is rarely in the public discourse.


I published a book earlier this year which is an account of my experiences of working therapeutically with those in later life. You can find the book by clicking here

2019 Helen Kewell (MBACP)


PG Dip Humanistic Psychotherapeutic Counselling

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